Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wacky Weather

This past weekend we had gorgeous weather here in Maryland.  Mid 70s to be exact.  Needless to say, out came the Crocs, sandals, Tshirts, and shorts.  When then the kids went outside, what did they want to play with?  Bubbles?  Nope.  Chalk?  No.  Bikes?  Nada.  Scooters?  No thanks.

They wanted to play with snow.  Wait, what?  Snow?!  That's right.  Left over from our early-March snow storm were a few mounds of the white stuff.  And the kids had a blast!  Below are a few pics of Johnny and his buddies Liam and Ben enjoying our wacky weather.  =)

P.S.-  Did I mention there's a chance of snow showers for tomorrow morning?  ::sigh::

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