Thursday, November 25, 2010

What Are You Thankful For?

This morning (Thanksgiving morning 2010 that is) I can't help but count all the blessings in my life. This last year has been a good one- with ups and downs for sure, but who doesn't have those? And right now...well, life is good. I am forever thankful for my amazing family. My husband, our precious children, our parents, and grandparents. And as if that weren't enough I also have an amazing group of friends who are always there for me. We have a beautiful home and, come 4 p.m. today, are going to be able to sit down at our dining room table to enjoy a plentiful meal with our loved ones. I do not take any of it for granted. Each day is a gift.

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. I love to cook, bake, and However, this year Thanksgiving is a bit more special, because it was last Thanksgiving morning that I got this...

Oh, how different life is this year. My son is a bundle of never-ending energy. He never stops talking and his smiles can light up a room. My daughter is developing such a sweet personality. Her smiles and coos melt my heart. Things around my house are a bit less picked up (ok, a lot less picked up), but it's ok. Because at the end of the day this is what matters...

What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Meeting the Pioneer Woman

Me, Sophia, and Ree

I love book festivals. Last year, Will and I visited the National Book Festival where I was able to see some of my favorite authors: James Patterson, John Grisham, Paula Deen, and Nicholas Sparks, among others. I had a blast! This meant, of course, that I definitely wanted to go back this year. And, after I checked the the list of authors, one stood out: Ree Drummond. The Pioneer Woman.

Last year the National Book Festival was PACKED, so I was a bit intimidated at the thought of taking my not-even-two-month-old along. I was thrilled to find out that Baltimore was hosting its own book festival the very next day, and none other than Ree Drummond was also on that list of authors!

On Sunday, Will and I got both kids ready and braved Ravens stadium traffic to head into Baltimore. It was well worth it! It wasn't nearly as crowded as the D.C. festival. In fact, I got to sit in the second row to hear Ree speak, and let me say that she is just as funny and humble in person as she is on her blog. I was thrilled to meet her and get my cookbook signed- and she couldn't have been sweeter. I have since tried quite a few of the recipes, and they have all been absolutely delicious!

Before her appearance.

I LOVED her boots!

Telling tales of her life on the ranch.

My signed cookbook!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Oh, Fall, How I Love You

I love fall. The colors of the leaves, the chill in the air, ... all of it. One afternoon the kids and I decided to head out for a short walk. I'll admit it was chilly and very windy, but my little guy had lots of energy to burn off. Sophia was a trooper, safely cocooned inside her stroller for the majority of our walk.

Uh, oh... he wouldn't...

Um, oh yes, he would!

My sweet, little lady- 3 1/2 months old.

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