Friday, June 5, 2009

Gevelsberg: A Visit to my 2nd Home

Most people that know me know that part of my childhood was spent growing up in Germany.  We lived in a town called Gevelsberg, which is located about 45 minutes from Cologne.  All in all we lived there for about seven years and I attended 1/2 of kindergarten, 2nd - 3rd grades, and 5th-7th grades at schools in Gevelsberg.  

I hadn't been back to Gevelsberg in almost 10 years.  It's funny how time flies.  My uncle Harry was in the hospital and my Mom flew over, and I just knew that wanted to go see him as well.  My Aunt Senta also still lives in Gevelsberg and I have a cousin who lives with her family in the neighboring city.  

After a long, but smooth, eight hour flight from Philly to Frankfurt and a 2 1/2 hour train ride, I stepped onto the train station platform in Gevelsberg.  The town itself hasn't changed that much.  Sure, some of the shops are different and they greatly improved the main street to limit traffic.  It was, however, still pretty much as I remembered it.

My uncle is lucky enough to live right on the main street that runs through downtown.  Quite a few of the pictures below were taken from his balcony.  It is the perfect spot to observe the town and people watch.

I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I thought I would, and I didn't see as much of the town as I'd hoped.  I was only there for four days and it wasn't really that kind of trip.   I feel incredibly lucky that I was able to go and visit my family in Germany and I hope to return again soon.  I'd love for Johnny to see where I spent quite a few years of my childhood growing up, and I'd love for Johnny and Will to meet my uncle, aunt, and cousin.  Gevelsberg will after all always be my second home.

1 comment:

Anna said...

via google alerts I came upon your blog entry about gevelsberg and really enjoyed the nice photos. I am German, 49 now, also grew up in Gevelsberg (from 1968 to 1979) and have been living in Athens Greece since. The Eis-Fontanella photo is specially nice, as I also enjoyed many icecreams there. My sister still lives there and through her I get all news, but mostly Familyphotos and no "Mittelstrasse"!!! Thanks for putting them into your blog! I do go from time to time, but for all I suppose, childhood memories and teenage years are quite precious and deep in our heart! If interested, my email adress is, perhaps we could exchange some memories and thoughts! Kindest regards, anne

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