Thursday, October 21, 2010

Me and My Little Soccer Player

The kids' {formal} soccer pictures were taken this past Tuesday. Instead of ordering an expensive package this time, I decided to take along my own camera. I'm so glad that I did, because I got some cute pictures. Michelle took the one of me and Johnny, and I LOVE it. Thanks, Shell. =)

AJ and Johnny- serious cuteness overload!

Johnny and the rest of the Blue Eagles. =)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

John's First Day of Preschool

Yesterday was John's first day of preschool, and he did GREAT! He LOVED it and is excited to go back. ;)

Me and my goofy boy.

Oma went with us while Pop Pop stayed at the house with Sophia.

John walking up those steps for the first time.
(On a funny note, the young lady assigned to him was wearing distressed jeans.
Johnny, of course, had to shout, "Hey! You have holes in your pants!" Lucky for me, she thought he was cute. ;) )

Marching into school all on his own. I'm so proud of my man!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Don't Blink

I cannot believe that my little boy starts preschool today. I don't know where the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday that I was holding my little man in just one arm, having baby food flung in my hair, and watching him knock something off of the table just so he could say, "Uh oh!" Now I sit here with a mix of emotions. I'm a proud mommy, excited for my little boy because he is excited, but I have to say... it's a little bittersweet and there are some nerves mixed in there.

Johnny, mommy couldn't be more proud of the wonderful little boy you've become. You're almost four, and you amaze me every day with all the things you can do. I love you all the way to the moon and back!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Grandmother's Love (Take Two John)

Capturing pictures of Johnny these days is more of a challenge. He's a moving target, who seemingly never stops going... so much so that I've even nicknamed him Squirrel.

We managed to get some good pics with Grandma when we were at Mt. Vernon, but we need some more with Oma and we need some with Maw Maw! "Operation Moving Target" is on!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Grandmother's Love (Take One: Sophia)

Over the past few weeks it's been my goal to capture some photos of S0phia bonding with her grandmothers. My little girl is so blessed to be surrounded by such love and to not only have an Oma and a Grandma, but a Maw Maw, too. Lucky gal!

Sophia and her Oma.

Sophia and her Grandma.

Sophia and her Maw Maw.

Award Winner

A few weeks ago the Anne Arundel County Fair was held once again at the fairgrounds in Crownsville. Each year people enter all sorts of things into competition: artwork, baked goods, flowers, fruits, vegetables... basically anything you can imagine. This year I finally did something I'd been wanting to do: enter one of these competitions. Specifically, I chose the photography category and entered three pictures: one in the people category, one in the flowers category, and one in the plants category.

My friend Nicole, who won several awards for her beautiful photography last year, decided to enter some more this year, so we headed to the fairgrounds together to turn in our submissions. The sheer volume of pictures was a bit overwhelming, so I'm very proud to say that one of my pictures actually won a prize! My "People Category" submission, a photo snapped in my parents' backyard of my beautiful mom holding my gorgeous, new daughter, was awarded 2nd place. I just love this picture each time I look at it. It captured such a genuine bonding moment that I cannot help but feel extremely proud.

Nicole's entries placed in all three categories she entered, one 2nd place award (sunsets) and two 3rd awards (seascapes, birds). Great job, Nicole! You can view her pictures on her blog. =)

My winning photo, as displayed at the fair.
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