Tuesday, March 31, 2009


This afternoon, one of my best friends, Michelle, and I took our kids to feed the ducks at the Piney Orchard pond.  The kids had a blast, but I don't think they fed a single duck.  There were plenty of (aggressive) geese and (enthusiastic) seagulls, though, so our leftover bread was appreciatively gobbled up.   (By the way, thanks Michelle for taking the pic of me and Johnny.  I feel like I never get enough pictures of him and I together. =)  )

Johnny getting too close to the goose.  It was "hissing" at him.  Yikes!

The light of my life- just look at that smile!

Johnny and his buddy A.J.  We tried to get these two to pose for a picture together.  We couldn't get them to stand still at the same time!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chillin' On the First Day of Spring

This past Friday, March 20th, marked the official first day of Spring 2009.  The weather wasn't bad, just a bit chilly for springtime.  The italian ice chain, Ritas, was giving away free italian ices to mark the occasion, though.  Since we are not a family to pass up free Ritas, we bundled up in our fleece and North Face and ventured out.  I have to say that it was worth it.  Below are a few pictures of John enjoying his favorite flavor, vanilla.  Thank goodness, winter is finally over! Bring on the warmer weather!  =)

Monday, March 16, 2009

I Discovered Scrapblog!

Thanks to Holly's blog http://inthefunlane.blogspot.com I have discovered Scrapblog!  What a cool and user-friendly way to share memories!  I may have a new addiction!  I know these are old photos, but I wanted to try it out.  =)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wacky Weather

This past weekend we had gorgeous weather here in Maryland.  Mid 70s to be exact.  Needless to say, out came the Crocs, sandals, Tshirts, and shorts.  When then the kids went outside, what did they want to play with?  Bubbles?  Nope.  Chalk?  No.  Bikes?  Nada.  Scooters?  No thanks.

They wanted to play with snow.  Wait, what?  Snow?!  That's right.  Left over from our early-March snow storm were a few mounds of the white stuff.  And the kids had a blast!  Below are a few pics of Johnny and his buddies Liam and Ben enjoying our wacky weather.  =)

P.S.-  Did I mention there's a chance of snow showers for tomorrow morning?  ::sigh::

Monday, March 9, 2009

Fun in the Foam Pit

Last weekend, my friend Michelle's lovely daughter Rachael turned four!  I cannot believe how fast our kids are growing up.  Since Rachael has been attending Docksider Gymnastics for over two years now and loves it, Michelle decided to have her birthday party there.  What a fantastic idea!  Johnny attends Docksiders as well (just started this session) and he LOVES the foam pit!  Since I usually do not have the opportunity to take pictures during gymnastics, this was the perfect opportunity.  Below are a few pics of Johnny enjoying the foam pit and some yummy cupcakes!  Thank you Michelle for a fantastic party!

No Fear!

Birthday Girl

Sugar Rush

M&Ms!  YUM!

Our Sledding Adventures!

It seems a little bizarre writing about the snow storm that happened one short week ago, since it's been in the mid 70s for the past two days and it's supposed to be in the mid 60s today.  Alas, that is Maryland weather for you.  Anyway, last week that Nor'easter dumped about 8-9 inches on us and the kids couldn't have been more thrilled.  Johnny really wanted to build a snowman, but the snow was too dry and fluffy.  It worked great for sledding, though!  Thanks to my friend Nicole's suggestion, we decided to try another hill in the neighborhood.  Oh my goodness, it looked steep to me, but Johnny and all of his friends had a blast.  Well, that was then and this is now, because it's sunny and warm outside and I think we'll go to the playground today!  Time to put the sled, shovel, and sidewalk salt away until next year...or is it?!?  You can never can tell in Maryland! 

Lawnmower or Snowblower?

Check out that hill!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dora the Explorer!

Last Thursday, we took Johnny to see "Dora the Explorer" at the Hippodrome in Baltimore.  This was his first real theater show.  We took him to see "The Wiggles" last summer and had a great time.  We had an even better time at "Dora", though.  Johnny sat in his own seat the whole time and really seemed to enjoy the show.  I'd have pictures of how cute he looked with his mouth open in astonishment that some of his favorite characters had come to life, but photography was not allowed inside the theater.  Ha!  I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked, and most of the ones I did get are at awkward angle, but I think that I did get some pretty good "illegal" footage.  =)

Will, Johnny, and I before the concert.

Grandma and Maw Maw joined us for the show!

Waiting for the show to start.  Johnny looks overwhelmed!

Dora makes her grand entrance!

Isa and Benny!

Dora and Boots!

The Trio

The Map- she did a great job!

Swiper the Fox

Diego and Baby Jaguar stopped by.

Johnny with his friends Rachael and AJ after the show.  

Below are a few videos from the show.  The one is of John dancing during the show!

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